Thank your for joining the DOS, you have the option of completing this online form or downloading and completing paper forms if you wish. The membership subscription covers everyone at an address and your next renewal will be due on 1 January

Unfortunately we do not have the ability to handle credit or debit card payments so please pay by cheque, details opposite

Membership Details:

Your name:

  e.g. Mrs

I am applying for membership of the DOS and agree to further the aims and objectives of the Society and also agree to abide by the rules and constitution

Contact Info:

Data Protection and Privacy:

The DOS is registered under the Data Protection Act 1984 and will not pass on any of your details to any other organisation unless required to do so by law, nor will they be used for direct selling purposes. Your details will be held in an electronic membership database and in our Bird Records Database if you submit records. Please view our Privacy Policy above for more details

  YES, I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and agree to my data being used as described

Gift Aid:

If you are a UK tax payer, the value to us of your subscription can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. This means that your subscription could be worth an additional £4-25 to us
Gift Aid logo

  YES, I am a UK taxpayer and wish the DOS to treat my subscription and all subscriptions I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid donations.

Please notify us if your tax circumstances change or if you change your name or address

Standing Order:           Gift Aid logo

Signing a Standing Order mandate really helps the DOS as we can automatically receive your subscriptions from the next due date and thereafter. If you wish to leave us then all you will need to do is contact your bank and cancel the mandate.

Because the mandate contains your bank information and we need your signature you cannot complete the mandate online so please download a form opposite

  YES, I have downloaded a Standing Order Mandate form and will complete it and submit with my cheque

You must be over 18 to join the DOS as an individual member and the subscription rate is currenty £17pa payable on 1 January

After successfully completing this form please send a cheque payable to The Derbyshire Ornithological Society to

The Derbyshire Ornithological Society
c/o Brian Hallam
20 Hillside
DE65 6AZ

and clearly state your name and address in a covering note

If you prefer, instead of using this online form, you may complete and return a paper Membership Application form

Download a Standing Order form here

After we have received your cheque and processed your application we will send you a Membership Card and Starter Pack

Your DOS Bulletin will be sent by email – if you have difficulties with this please let our Membership Secretary know

Welcome to the DOS