DOS Ornithological Data Policy

Ornithological records data are key to meeting the aim of the DOS: to promote the recording, study and conservation of birds and their habitats within the county. We therefore encourage anyone, members or non-members, individuals or organisations, to submit records to us. A variety of ways to do this are available including via our website, spreadsheets, on paper, Record Slips posted to us and via email. Information to help you select the best method is available on our website see here.

In supplying ornithological records to us you agree that they will be entered into the DOS Records Database.

By providing bird records to the Derbyshire Ornithological Society (the DOS), whether electronically or on paper, you agree that in addition to their use within the Society they will also be made available to other organisations, for example in assessing planning applications, environmental decision-making, education, research, processing of national rarity records in furtherance of our aim and other public benefit uses.

Relevant records may also be made available to the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust covered by our Data Sharing Agreement and, on request, to landowners and managers and ecological consultants.

DOS members may also request records from the database for their own research or studies free of charge.

Information using your records may appear on the Internet and in our publications. You should understand that your name will be entered onto our records database and will form part of the record so that the record may be correctly attributed to you e.g. in our annual report. Your contact details will only be used for administration and verification purposes and will not be passed to other parties without your consent.

The copyright of individual records remains with the observer, but this agreement assumes that you agree to them being used for the purposes described here. The implied permission to use your records as described cannot be rescinded at a later date.

Any contributor who is unable to provide their records to the Society on this understanding should contact one of the County Recorders.

Our Ornithological Data Policy

For a printable copy of the policy click here

See here for our Privacy Policy