Derbyshire Ornithological Society
Join the DOS
Why join today?
Thinking of joining the DOS? This is why it's a good idea:
To belong:
to the senior birding organisation in the county
where to go and what to see
A Newsletter 11 times a year:
usually 8 pages packed with information
Annual report:
The Derbyshire Bird Report is consistently highly rated
all the latest bird news at the click of a mouse
Meetings and trips:
expert speakers. local trips or further afield for expert or beginer
Somewhere to send records:
the DOS database provides trends, analysis and information
On-line submission of records:
via our "Submit a record" system
Important surveys and studies:
to help birds and their habitats
Support for birds:
from winter feeding stations to watching over sensitive breeders
A chance for you to contribute
more directly don't just sit there, join today!
If you would like more information, please contact our Membership Secretary, details