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February 2025 highlights
The female RING-NECKED DUCK continued at Carsington Water 26th but the real surprise was the discovery of yet another mega American wildfowl species, Derbyshire's second ever LESSER SCAUP. This was a female bird found on 2nd and delighting visitors until 25th. Interesting that both ducks went missing at the same time. CATTLE EGRET sightings dropped in the Trent Valley with regular birds at Willington Wetlands and Egginton throughout the month, and max of 3 at Trent Lock.
Two WHITE-FRONTED GEESE were found during the month. One at the now regular site of Ingleby on 19th, with another bird at Staunton Harold Reservoir between 18th-21st. Both the RED-THROATED DIVER and GREAT NORTHERN DIVER were at Carsington Water throughout the month. A RUDDY SHELDUCK was also found at Staunton Harold Reservoir from 17th. After all hope was lost of BEARDED TIT at Carr Vale, 1 was refound on 2nd. A surprise BLACK NECKED GREBE paid a brief visit to Carsington Water on 24th. With 2 immature male SCAUP also at Carsington Water throughout this site really was a mecca during February!
A BLACK REDSTART was found at Whitwell on 23rd but not seen again. A KNOT dropped into Willington Wetlands for one lucky observer on 25th. Away from their usual stronghold at Carsington Water, BARNACLE GOOSE singles were seen at Barrow GP on 1st, Melbourne Pool on 4th, and Staunton Harold Reservoir from 12th to 27th, presumably relating to one wandering bird.
Steve Thorpe