Subscription Renewal

Prompt renewal of your annual subscription (due on 1 January each year) is important for the DOS

Renewal options

You can use the same method as last year or chose from the other options below:

Option Method How
Online Using a Credit or Debit Card click here
By BACS transfer Online banking If you need the DOS bank details click here to contact our Membership Secretary
By Cheque Please submit a Subscription Renewal form with your cheque click here
By Standing Order If you already have a Standing Order set up with your bank you need do nothing further If you wish to set one up click here to contact our Membership Secretary

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The annual subscription amount is £17 and is due on 1 January each year

The membership subscription covers everyone at an address and if you joined after 31 August your next renewal will be due on 1 Jan

If we have not received your renewal by midnight on 31 March, you will be deemed to have resigned