The Derbyshire Ornithological Society
- The first choice for the county's birders since 1954

Derbyshire Bird Report 2013 Order Form
(please complete, print and send to the address shown right)
Your details will not be passed to anyone outside the DOS
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The cost is £8-95 per copy for non-members including postage (or delivery) and packing and £6-00 if you joined the DOS after 1 September 2014.
Please make cheques payable to:
The Derbyshire Ornithological Society
Send Order to:
Bryan Barnacle
Malthouse Lane
Hope Valley
S32 3ZA
Unfortunately, the DOS can only cover UK orders at the moment, if you are interested in a copy and live overseas, please contact the Secretary Steve Shaw We regret that we do not have the facilities to deal with Credit Cards. Orders will be dealt with in order of receipt.