Bird News - September 2023

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30 September 2023
29 September 2023
28 September 2023
27 September 2023
26 September 2023
25 September 2023
24 September 2023
23 September 2023
22 September 2023
21 September 2023
20 September 2023
19 September 2023
18 September 2023
17 September 2023
16 September 2023
15 September 2023
14 September 2023
13 September 2023
12 September 2023
11 September 2023
10 September 2023
9 September 2023
8 September 2023
7 September 2023
6 September 2023
5 September 2023
4 September 2023
3 September 2023
2 September 2023
1 September 2023
31 August 2023
30 August 2023
29 August 2023


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August 2023 highlights

The two major rarities during the month couldn't be more different in their reporting. Ogston reservoir hosted the first Spotted Crake in the county since 2019 on the 31st. Photographs of this bird soon appeared on social media and many people managed to see the bird. Compare this with a report of a flock of five Common Cranes over Roych Clough (near Chapel-En-Le-Frith) on the 18th, which was reported on eBird and despite requests, no further information has been forthcoming. Other county rarities included a county record flock of five Spoonbills at Carsington Water on the 4th, the first record for Carr Vale DWT NR of Black-necked Grebe on the 22nd, with another reported from Pleasley Colliery on the 24th and a juvenile Honey Buzzard flew over Ogston Reservoir. Observers are reminded that these rarities require a rarity form please.

A report of 32 Egyptian Geese at Barrow-on-Trent GP on the 20th is a county record, the previous best being 28 at Long Eaton GP in 2016. A male Garganey was picked out on the 9th at Carsington Water, where three Red-crested Pochards were present from the 26th, with another at St Chad's Water as well as the usual two at Melbourne Pool. Up to four Common Scoter were found at Carsington Water, Middleton Moor and Ogston Reservoir. A Quail was flushed by a car at Highoredish on the 20th and a brief Bittern was found at Carr Vale DWT NR on the 26th. Up to 18 Little Egrets were logged at 26 sites whilst up to four Great White Egrets were seen at nine sites, with Willington GP producing most sightings.

Up to four Red Kites were logged at 42 sites, Marsh Harriers were logged at eight locations, there was only one record of Hen Harrier, but Ospreys appeared at ten places, with two reported over Swanwick on the 15th. Twenty-one species of wader were recorded with Carr Vale DWT NR producing the only Grey Plover and Spotted Redshank of the month, Middleton Moor produced the only Sanderling of the month whilst a Knot was reported from Ogston Reservoir. Avocets were seen at Carr Vale DWT NR and Willington GP. Up to seven Ringed Plovers were seen at Barrow-on-Trent GP, Carsington Water and Middleton Moor. Whimbrel were logged at five places, Black-tailed Godwits at three sites with Turnstones and Ruff seen at Barrow -on-Trent GP (two) and Carsington Water. Additionally, up to four Green Sandpipers and three Greenshanks were seen at eight sites but Dunlin were few and far between with up to two from just four locations.

Carsington Water and Willington GP both had a Black Tern on the 19th and six Arctic Terns were also seen at Carsington on the 1st, with a juvenile found at Ogston Reservoir on the 17th. An adult Little Gull was at Carsington Water on the 7th with a juvenile at Ogston Reservoir on the 17th. Juvenile Mediterranean Gulls were found at Carr Vale DWT and Carsington Water and there was a healthy showing of Yellow-legged Gulls (seven locations, maximum of 13 at Middleton Moor) and Caspian Gulls (five sites).

One Long-eared Owl was reported with just two reports of Short-eared Owls and of four reports of Merlin. The only lowland record was from Carr Vale. A flock of c.50 Ring-necked Parakeets at Alvaston Lake was also a record count for the county and there was a notable count of c.30 Crossbills in the Beeley Moor area.

Mark Beevers