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The highlight of the month was a female RING-NECKED DUCK found at Carsington Water on the 17th. Not seen again for a week, the bird was re-found on 24th-27th and has been seen on the 1st December too. Another very rare species, a SHORE LARK, was seen by one observer at Ogston Reservoir on the 7th, but sadly it was flying through with a flock of SKYLARK and never landed. A superb record nonetheless!
Three WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE were found at Newton Solney on the 20th amongst the regular flock of geese in that area, sadly they could not be re-found the next day. The male RED-CRESTED POCHARD was last seen at Carsington Water on the 13th, with another at Ogston Reservoir on 2nd-3rd. At Foremark Reservoir a SLAVONIAN GREBE was found on the 7th and was quickly followed by another bird at the same site that afternoon. Only a single bird was seen the following day which stayed until the 12th. An influx of BEARDED TIT can be expected in the autumn, but this was a bumper year with up to eight birds seen at Ogston Reservoir from 4th-8th, three at Carr Vale NR on the 8th with a single male on the 9th and 26th-30th, and a single bird at Poolsbrook Marsh on the 9th.
A first-winter male SCAUP made Melbourne Pool its home from 1st-19th, proving very popular. A GREY PLOVER was at Ogston Reservoir on the 5th with KNOT being seen at Ogston Reservoir (one on the 6th), one at Middleton Moor Lagoons on the 8th and three at Barrow GP on the 9th. SHORT-EARED OWL were at Barbrook on the 20th with a GREAT GREY SHRIKE at Leash Fen on the 13th, but not seen since. A BLACK REDSTART was reported at Corbar Woods on the 3rd, and at Nether Padley on the 5th. Carr Vale NR had a brief ROCK PIPIT on the 21st, and SNOW BUNTING were on Axe Edge Moor on the 8th, two at Foremark Reservoir briefly on the dam wall on the 12th, one at Kinder Low on the 13th and one at Glossop on the 16th.
Stats In total: 27,188 records were received of 150 different species (including the escapes). These records covered 509 sites from 455 different grid squares. Many thanks to the 341 people that sent in their records.
Steve Thorpe