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The female RING-NECKED DUCK at Carsington Water was last seen on December 2nd. CATTLE EGRET numbers in the Trent Valley peaked at thirteen, at Repton on the 23rd. A RUDDY SHELDUCK was at Walton-upon-Trent on the 23rd. A few RED-CRESTED POCHARD were around the county, including a long-staying bird at Ogston Reservoir from the 8th, a male at Lumsdale on the 15th and again on the 24th.
In addition to the GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Carsington Water hosted a RED-THROATED DIVER from the 16th to the month end. A PURPLE SANDPIPER was seen briefly at Ogston Reservoir on the 8th as it flew past the main hide, but was not found subsequently. BEARDED TIT continued their stay at Carr Vale NR with three seen on the 14th, one on the 15th, one on the 25th and two on the 29th. An additional bird was seen at Willington GP on the 3rd.
Carsington Water also played host to a BRENT GOOSE on the 12th, with two SCAUP found on the 29th to the month end. A RED-BREASTED MERGANSER was reported from Walton Bridge on the 26th and is assumed to be the bird later found at Tucksholme. An ICELAND GULL came into the roost at Ogston Reservoir on the the 22nd. A GREAT GREY SHRIKE was found at Middleton Moor Lagoons on the 26th but was not seen subsequently. An unconfirmed report of three WAXWING was received from Hartington on the 7th.
In total 23232 records were received of 149 different species (including the escapes). These records covered 456 sites from 406 different grid squares. Many thanks to the 305 people that sent in their records.
Steve Thorpe