DOS Health and Safety Policy

Statement of Intent

The policy of the DOS is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all our volunteers and any other people who are directly affected by our activities, such as members of the public attending our Indoor Meetings, Field Trips, and other events.


Overall and final responsibility for health and safety at all events and activities organised by the DOS lies with the General Committee. This responsibility will be delegated to a named volunteer for each event or activity.

This volunteer will be responsible for ensuring that this policy is carried out.

For our General Committee meetings, the responsible person is the DOS Chair.

For all other events, the responsible person will be named in advance and their name will be noted on all relevant risk assessments. All volunteers involved will be made aware of who is responsible for health and safety.


We will make sure all volunteers and attendees at indoor events and activities are aware of the location of fire exits. A briefing will be given by the leader before the start of Field Trips.

All volunteers and attendees will be made aware of the precautions they need to take as noted on the relevant risk assessment.

All incidents will be reported to and investigated by the DOS Chair

This policy is reviewed annually in January


The DOS holds Third Party Liability Insurance but you are advised to make sure you have personal insurance that covers attending our meetings and trips

Our Health and Safety Policy

For a printable copy of the policy click here